Multiply 2018 USA | Clemens Mudrich

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Multiply 2018 USA

Clemens Mudrich


Clemens is a Lead Pastor in Bautzen, Germany. He is married to Susi and they have three children ages 8, 6, and 3. Growing up in East Germany, Clemens has a clear understanding of the a-religious culture born out of years of Nazism and Communism. In 2011, after seminary, Clemens and Susi felt called by God to return to take over their home church in Bautzen. The people of East Germany are "People who have forgotten that they have forgotten God." It is his passion to see these a-religious people come to faith in Jesus Christ through the power of the gospel. It is his heart to collect and connect the leaders of East Germany to work together. It is his vision to release new ways to be the church and to see the next generation come to faith in Jesus. In contrast to most other churches in East Germany, during these last seven years, they have grown from 80 to 300 people through adding a Friday night and second Sunday morning service, working with refugees, and serving their city.